*****************************((((((HUGS))))))********************************************** "CONTINUING OUR JOURNEY" *** (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BUTTON:"HELP"**Click on EVERYTHING!) ******************************************************************************************* WORKERS COMPENSATION: MY EXPERIENCE with "Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy" came via an extreme trauma which locked my computer (Brain) up pretty tight and without a password. 1st came the swelling of my entire body primarily starting from the spinal/lumbar area and the searing pain (comparable to being barbequed or for you women, a comparable natural birth) 24/7 of a 9-10 pd child. It was later to render an additional diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stess Disorder/Anxiety-panic disorder. Now aren't we having fun at this point; because some (not all) workers compen- ation cases read like a bad comedy script. "EVERY STATES WORKERS COMPENSATION LAWS" have FEDERAL GUIDELINES"; BUT the States are given by the constitution the right to tighten them up, make them better and that is where the problems lies. Example of a workers rights; in the State of Nevada, every worker must be informed of their rights and respon- sibilities before they get injured. This allows the worker to make some type of preparations (savings, disability insurance both for themselves and their financial obligations). Not every state tells you what "workers compensation is or what your possible income may be prior to the "Big Surprise YOUR Broke",
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS BEFORE YOU GET HURT ON THE JOB & ENJOY LIFE" (Atleast be able to concentrate on your getting well, not money) ***************************************************************************** KATS#2 IS UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION "CLICK ON ANY OF THE LINKS! "Bottom of page" "Take a game break or have a friend meet to chat" *
END of page to be Continued after this page.